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What’s the trick to staying keen on exercise?

Follow these simple steps to stick to a program.

Choose a workout you enjoy. Thirty minutes on the treadmill is torture if you’d rather be strolling outdoors or taking a spinning class. Hopefully you find our classes enjoyable , I work hard to add lots of different fun exercise styles and routines.

Set realistic goals Having clear objectives and a challenging, yet achievable goal will motivate you to get to class or take that afternoon walk on days when you just want to toss out your trainers. One way to encourage yourself to keep a fitness commitment is to sign a contract with yourself stating your goals.

Reward yourself. There’s no better way to sustain your motivation to get fit than immediate gratification. So, when you reach the halfway point of your goal, treat yourself to something like a haircut, manicure or that new handbag you’ve had your eye on. Share your accomplishment with family and friends, as others’ acknowledgement of success will inspire you to further press on towards your goal.

Be consistent about when you exercise. Choose to work out at the time of day when you tend to feel most energetic. If you’re a ‘morning person’, exercise when you wake up. If you’re on a consistent workout schedule, your body’s hormones adjust so that you train most efficiently, and with the least fatigue, at that particular time of day.

Fit in fitness whenever possible. Did you know that six 5-minute spurts of exercise can be just as beneficial as one 30-minute workout? That means it’s fine if you can’t do your workout all in one go, just break up exercise throughout the day. Try getting off the bus one stop early, walk to the office or supermarket, take the stairs instead of the lift or stroll through the park at lunchtime.

Take it one day at a time. The more gradually you take on an exercise plan, the more likely you are to achieve your goals. Your body will adjust better if you start slowly, and you’ll get stronger without injuring yourself. Avoid making too many lifestyle changes at once.

Find an exercise partner or support group. Make two appointments per week to meet up with someone and exercise. If you have a friend relying on you to go to the class or take a morning walk with her, you’ll be less likely to cancel. Write down any workout dates in your diary and commit to them as if they are business meetings.

Vary your fitness activity. Cross-training is the key to a balanced fit body. If you don’t change up your workouts, your body only trains one set of muscles and you stop seeing results. This is the reason we vary the exercise sessions in our classes.

Skip a day. Exercise obsession is as bad as none at all because it’s physically and mentally counterproductive. Allowing your muscles to rest and rejuvenate is a crucial part of being healthy and achieving maximum results. And giving yourself a mental break prevents burn-out and makes you more likely to stick to a long-term exercise plan. Listen to your body and if you’re having an off-day, take it easy and rest.

Write an exercise plan. Write down the activities you plan to do for the week and the days that you want to do them – if you write it down you are more likely to stick to it!

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