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Hi, I'm Roz

I'm a fitness instructor a have been running fitness classes since 2004

In 2005 I trained and qualified as a full time Rosemary Conley Fitness Franchisee, specialising in fitness, health and nutrition. I delivered Rosemary Conley classes in Chippenham and the surrounding areas until 2015. During this time I also qualified in Zumba, Fitsteps, and Fitness Pilates.


In 2015 Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness was acquired by Glow Fitness. I ran the Glow franchise in Chippenham until October 2021, during which time I became a qualified in Clubbercise and Kettlebells. In 2020 the Covid pandemic led me to take my classes online.

Once restrictions started to ease in the spring of 2021, I was very pleased to offer both online and live classes to my members.


2021 saw me move into my new ventures with Roz Chandler Fitness. I now provide many different styles of exercise From Clubbercise to Dancefit and Fitness Pilates. I also am qualified in nutrition and weight loss management.


My many years of experience in the fitness industry has given me a wealth of knowledge and expertise. I am commited to helping women lead healthier and happier lives. 

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I have recently been trained in Menofit - A program designed to help women take a holistic approach to navigating this period of their lives. Menofit talks and workshops are also available for your company or community group 


I offer many talks on fitness and wellbeing for women; focusing on subjects such as sugar, stress, sleep and nutrition.



Some of the talks and workshops I can provide are:

Menopause - A guide to peri-menopause, menopause and post-menopause

A complete fun guide to navigating this time, symptoms bingo, tips and tricks on how to feel better 

Get your 5 a day and
why it will make a difference

 Demonstrting how eating more fruit and veg can make you feel better inside and out. Recipe ideas shared 

Benefits of stretch and flexibility

Talk and demonstration -  participants to take part.
Chair and floor alternatives shown.

Womens Wellness

A whole overview a to how we can make ourselves feel better on a day to day basis 

I love being a fitness instructor, and I look forward to supporting you in your quest for a fitter, happier you!

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